From feasibility assessments to planning applications, to appeals and lawfulness issues, Lightwater TPC is the town planning expert you need. Our knowledge and experience can navigate your project through the system!
Have you found the right site? Is this the right project to pursue? An independent, expert opinion from Lightwater TPC will give you the information and advice you need, to help you reach the right decision.
Once you receive your feasibility assessment, we can discuss your options together. If you choose to proceed, we can also provide town planning input into the scheme design, project manage the preparation of the planning application and represent you to the Council.
What can you do with land and property? What will the planning system allow? An independent expert opinion from Lightwater TPC will give you the information and advice you need, to know what your options are.
Once you receive your development appraisal, we can discuss your options together. If you choose to proceed further, we can also provide town planning input into the scheme design, project manage the preparation of the planning application and represent you to the Council.
How do you give your application the best chance of success? Get it on the right track from the outset by using the expertise Lightwater TPC can offer. From strategy and counsel to the practicalities and the details, from the very beginning to the final decision.
We can both support your existing project team or create and lead one for you. We can work in the background or be your representative to the Council. Once your application is approved, you can also engage us to deal with the discharge conditions or securing approval for amendments.
You have the right to appeal an unsuccessful application. But should you? What more can be done to improve the chances of success? Bring Lightwater TPC on board to access expert and personalised advice.
You can use our knowledge and experience of the planning system to better understand your options. If an appeal is the best course of action then we can both assemble a strong case in support and deal with all the administrative aspects of the process.
Accused of breaking the planning rules? Or in need of confirmation of the lawfulness of something done or intended? If you face planning enforcement action, it is imperative you get independent, professional advice - immediately.
If you are threatened with enforcement action then do not delay. Lightwater TPC will do everything in our power to get the best outcome for you.
Need to prove the lawfulness of something done or intended? We can provide advice and if appropriate can prepare and submit an application for a Certificate of Lawfulness.
Let Lightwater TPC do the paperwork for you!
We use our experience of working in many different councils to give your project the best possible chance of success. Lightwater TPC is flexible: we can come on board as part of your existing team to provide specific advice, or we can project manage the entire process.